On October 30, 2019, the International Limited Partner Association (ILPA) published its model limited partnership agreement (LPA) template for private equity. The model LPA is available online by clicking here and constitutes a Delaware-law based “whole of fund” waterfall LPA that can be used to structure investments into traditional private equity buyout funds. It is
Anabel Quessy
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Developments in Private Equity and Fund Formation – ILPA Principles 3.0
By Jonathan Halwagi & Anabel Quessy on
Posted in Corporate Governance
The Institutional Limited Partners Association (« ILPA ») is a global organization dedicated to advancing the interests and maximizing the performance of limited partners (« LPs ») in the context of private equity funds. The ILPA constitutes a forum for LPs and general partners (« GPs ») to engage in constructive dialog with respect to…
New disclosure obligation: What you should know about the “Financial Information – Annual form”
By Anabel Quessy & Élise Renaud on
Fasken Martineau’s Investment Products and Wealth Management team wishes to remind dealers and advisers registered under the Securities Act (Quebec) (the “registrants“) that as of June 19, 2017, registrants are subject to a new financial information disclosure obligation. Registrants whose main regulator is the Autorité des marchés financiers (the “AMF“) must…