Fasken Martineau reminds registered dealers and advisors of recent amendments to National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registration Obligations (NI 31-103) which came into force on May 1st, 2014.
Learn more from our recent bulletin Coming into force of Dispute Resolution Requirements for Registered Firms and/or download the NI 31-103 Regulatory Update presentation led by the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission on certain NI 31-103 and other pending regulatory issues hosted by Fasken Martineau and the Portfolio Management Association of Canada on April 17, 2014.
You can also read the guidance provided today by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) in respect of the new dispute resolution requirements in CSA Staff Notice 31-338 Guidance on Dispute Resolution Services Client Disclosure for Registered Dealers and Advisers that are not members of a Self-Regulatory Organization. The notice includes in its Appendix A, sample client disclosure that registered dealers and advisors must give their clients about the firm’s obligations with respect to independent dispute resolution services.